Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Getting old

I am being haunted by the face of an old man.
Let me explain.
I was walking to the shops yesterday when I saw an old man walking slowly and painfully with the aid of a stick. There was something familiar about his face. I walked on a little way, stopped and turned.
It was Frank. Frank the professional rugby player. He used to be a regular at my local many years ago and he was a massive strapping barrel-chested guy who used to talk about the various ways he fouled his opponents on the rugby pitch.
You never shook hands with Frank if you valued the bones in your fingers.
He was vital; robust;loud.
Now he looked about a third the size; like someone had put him in an oven and dried him out. Gaunt face; white hair; sunken cheeks. A parody. A tiny miniscule bit of a human, barely alive. Inching his way along the pavement with a glassy stare and a dying smile. His clothes hung off him.
It was a heart-stopping moment of realisation. I have never been as shocked by the ageing process. I found it truly frightening. More frightening than any horror film. A reminder of my own mortality.
I keep seeing his face in my mind. I still keep saying "No. It can't be"
But it was.


  1. I know the feeling Dave. When I look in a mirror I see this little old man staring back at me through sunken eyes set in a face that resembles a well past 'sell-by date' prune and with the light reflecting off his bald head, and I think that it only seems like last week when I used to see this happy-go-lucky chap with blonde hair, blue-eyes, well endowed and rugged manly looks that all the girls fainted for.

    I wonder what happened to him?

  2. My mate always used to say. I don't mind growing old but it's a bugger when you look in the shaving mirror and see Sandy Gall looking back at you.

  3. Or even worse, looking in the mirror and seeing that old aunty from your youth who always had a look of horror on her face at your make up, mini skirt or hair style. She had the same expression this morning when I noticed a few more wrinkles


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