Saturday, 5 November 2011

The Bright Side

I attended the funeral of a dear friend and former colleague yesterday. She had been bravely suffering from cancer and when I last spoke to her recently, she was upbeat that her new chemo seemed to be working.
Unfortunately, she developed a chest infection and died in hospital.
Her death came as a shock to her many friends.
She was a down to earth no nonsense Lancashire lass who became a newspaper editor and columnist.
She never complained about her illness or her painful medical treatment. Her only comment was:"Trust me to get cancer".

Her auntie told me that just before she died, she calmly outlined what should be done at her funeral.
We started with Elvis singing How Great Thou Art and ended with Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.
When it got to the line, "Life's a Piece of Shit" laughter rang out round the chapel.
In between we heard "Look for me in Rainbows" by Vicky Brown who died of cancer. A very moving song and a fitting tribute to my brave, lovely, beautiful friend.
You will always be missed Lesley but every time I see a rainbow now, I shall think of you. 


  1. So very sad Dave, she looks so young. What a waste of a life.

    Life really is a piece of shit sometimes. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on the passing of your friend Lesley.

  2. Thank you Keith. It was a privilege to have known her.


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