Sunday, 29 April 2012

Rik Mayall

Working closely with pan global phenomenon Rik Mayall at present. Details to follow.


  1. Who's Rik Mayall? Do I know him? You want to be careful about working with little known actors, he could upstage you and become famous.

  2. I cannot find your eMail address anywhere, so I will have to have a moan here!

    Being an oldie git without any family or friends I do not possess an iPhone, iPod, iPad, iBog or any other i. Nor do I have a Kindle.

    Many moons ago Amazon sold me a Sony eReader which is great. I can read .epub formats, PDF files, and all popular formats EXCEPT Kindle format!
    Why Amazon did this I do not know when we had a standard format (.epub) developed in this country and which all other eBook readers use.

    I want to read your books, but I can't afford to buy a Kindle and any other iGadget just to read them!

    Are your books available in the old fashioned format, i.e printed on paper, or written by Benedictine monks on vellum, or even papyrus?

  3. You can download a free Kindle Reader here to use on your comp:
    Then buy my books or read hundreds of free ones!

  4. Most of my books are available on Sony; iTunes; Barnes and Noble etc as well.


Add your comments here but please be gentle with me. Thank you.